By: Abdulkadir Abow:- South West Election: Roobow Vs The Gatekeepers


What is happening in South West State of Somalia (SWS) – a country where election meddling or fraud is not an aberration – is beyond one’s imagination. Regional state presidential election is set to happen on November 17, 2018 and there are over half a dozen candidates campaigning for the position. The stakes are very high this time as the different stakeholders, for the first time, feel threatened by the possible outcome of the election. The question is, will the members of the parliament, representing the voice of their constituencies, do the right thing and vote for the most popular candidate or as the history was in this region someone not representing the interest of local people will be shoved into their throats and the status continues?

Sheikh Mukhtar Roobow (aka Abu-Mansur), former speaker of Al-shabab who was fighting against them since he left the group about six years ago, is the most popular candidate everyone is talking about. He was perceived as a moderate who cared more about local agenda rather than global jihad and that is what caused the clash with his former commander Godane. Schwoebel and Mukhtar (Oct 27, 2018) Somalia Should allow former al shabab leader to run for office. The Star.

The Sheikh, as the local people call him, is not only a threat to Al-Shabab but also to the interests of a very powerful groups and they will do everything in their power to stop him. They are the groups described in Sara Jerving’s article The ‘Gatekeepers’ to providing aid in Somalia.

In the article Ms Jerving wrote “Gatekeepers, also referred to as mukulal mathow, or “black cats,” can include landowners, district officials or businessmen who control access to land used by IDPs, creating makeshift camps that they manage, in exchange for some kind of payment, whether it be cash or a portion of the aid received by the IDPs. They dilute aid flows, determining who receives it, and can restrict access of entry and departure to the camps. Sometimes, they provide services such as security, latrines and water trucks.”

Al-Shabab perpetuates insecurity in the region and continuously disrupts the ability local people to grow their own food and the Gatekeepers find the most efficient way to exploit the misery of the IDPs. Perfect match!

As soon as the Sheikh announced his candidacy and his security platform an unsigned letter from the Ministry of Security was published on the websites rejecting the candidacy based on a false premise. We did not hear anyone from the government to either deny or confirm about Ministry’s letter. It could be actually be from the Gatekeepers.

The Gatekeepers tried is stop Roobow through the federal government by bringing up his earlier involvement of Al-Shabab and they failed. Their other alternative is to use the incumbent –  merchant himself and good relations with the Gatekeepers – to disrupt the whole process. As I am writing this article we are witnessing mass resignations of the members of the electoral commission which is intended to halt the election and keep the status quo until further notice.

The Federal Government in their effort to find friendly partners among the regional states feel threatened by the Roobow’s candidacy as he is strong and independent. They are sending their candidates with unprecedented security details. The last two years they could have cleared the roads for the benefit of the locals and allow IDPs to go back to their homes. Instead, there are allegations that they are sending pullet proof vehicles by cargo planes, so that their candidates could be secure the short period they are in Baydhabo for the election.

It is also alleged that plane loads of members of the SWS parliament are going to Mogadishu where they are hosted by the federal government to get their votes.

Essentially, the Sheikh is a threat to the Gatekeepers of Mogadishu camps and most other candidates either don’t have the prospect to win this election or they are continuation of the status quo which is good for the Gatekeepers.

Members of the parliament need to think about the future of their people that are being deliberately displaced to profit from their misery and vote for the right candidate.

Humanitarian groups will work with SWS to take IDPs to their home or better camps than those merciless Gatekeepers in and around Mogadishu.

It seems the Gatekeepers plan B is also failed now that the incumbent announced that he resigned from the position and will not be running in this election. The victory is closer for the people and the only impediments are the so called federal government candidates.

Vote for the Sheikh!