Somali Defence Minister Attends Group Meeting in Ankara


faqiSomalia’s Defence Minister, Abdikarin Hajji Mohamud Fiqi, returned to Mogadishu on Sunday (January 20th) after attending a meeting of the Somalia Core Group in the Turkish capital of Ankara.

The meeting, on Friday last week, discussed the rebuilding of the Somali army and the needs of the Somali government. It was attended by representatives of the US, EU countries, the African Union, participants from Gulf countries and from the troop-contributing countries of AMISOM. The Minister said on after the meeting that participants had agreed to support the new government in Somalia and take part in rebuilding and strengthening the Somali army.

Somali Core Group meetings, take place every three or four months and bring together countries undertaking projects in Somalia. Turkey recently signed an agreement with Somalia on training, technical and scientific cooperation in the military field.

Source Government of Ethiopia