Somalia launches free education program


dugsiThe Somali government has launched a nationwide educational program for nearly a million school students.

Making the announcement, the country’s development and social affairs minister said that the Somali federal government has already put in place plans to realize free education program that will target both young children and adult across the strife-torn country.

Experts say that deeply pre-occupied by the war, the majority of the Somali children lost opportunities for their socioeconomic development like education. The new government in Mogadishu however hopes to change all this in a short period of time.

The European Union on its part also launched a separate educational program for Somalia. The project named ELMIDOON is a three-year-project which seeks to strengthen a cohesive education sector in the country. This is done by increasing access to relevant education as well as improving the quality of education.

According to the EU, the project hopes target thirty primary schools and six secondary schools and will in the future cover the whole of Somalia.

The European Union says that it hopes to counter the educational challenges in the war-torn nation by rebuilding more schools, training of teachers and by providing scholarship.

The Somali government says that this education plan will ensure the inclusion of children from poor backgrounds, minorities, I-D-Ps, and children with disabilities.

For two decades now this country has been engulfed in a civil war that virtually brought down the educational sector. With many of the young people compelled to either engage in violence, stay idle with other migrating abroad in search of better learning opportunities, however the government’s pledge might rekindle back the spirit of education in Somalia.


Source Press Tv