Shifa Hospital heals wounds in Somalia


TURK KIZILAYI SOMALI'NIN KALBINI FETHETTIHundreds of Somalian people have been cured at the Shifa Hospital supported by the Turkish Red Crescent and TIKA.

Shifa Hospital heals the wounds of hundreds of Somalian people every day.

Supported by the Turkish Red Crescent and the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), the hospital offers health services with its 66-bed capacity.

The Project Coordinator Seyda Sever said all the services are free including the surgical operations and the medicines.

Stating that most of those who go to the hospital are living in refugee camps, Sever said “We have no aims of making profits. With this project, we should bring up new strategies in order to hand over the system to the local people there.”

Sever pointed out all the doctors at Shifa Hospital are volunteers who work hard to help the needy adding “The doctors may at times have 50 to 60 surgical operations in a week. It is not that easy to work in Somalia. It’s been even harder recently. The terror attacks have doubled. We commute from home to the hospital every day. We keep on serving the people though we are really afraid of terror attacks.”

Reminding the attack towards the crew of Turkish Red Crescent killing a Somalian driver, Sever said, “Somalian people are aware of the helps that Turkish people do in their countries.”

Sever, as she explained, teaches Turkish to Somalian staff twice a week to make the communication easier.


Source World Bulletin