Why the entire Somali government is ignoring the roadblocks in lower Shebelle.


wadoHassan Sheikh Maxamud is the President of Somalia, since he has been elected on September, 10, 2012. Also inaugurated six days later, but has never done anything without the approval of his Co-presidents. Since, the election of President Hassan Sheikh Maxamud I have done my own observation about his government and their activities. First, I conclude the really president of Somalia is Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, but there are several individuals who rule the country behind the scene. Most of the Somali people are not aware of it, but there are five individuals who rule the country. Majority of them are former warlords and the members of Dam jadiid and PDP partr Group .

The world turns blind eye on the people of lower Shabelle region; international community is not paying sufficient attention to the suffering citizens of Lower Shebelle. We are asking the international community to pressure Somali government on the issue of human rights and also to express the freedom of political choice and have them elect who they desire for their leader in Lower Shebelle.

In Contrary, there are many warlords who are today in high ranking officials intire the government specialy clun armed forces those had done a horrible crimes against innocent people in the Lower Shabelle. Human rights abused them thier crimes , such as killings, detentions, rapes, torture, unfair trials, confiscation of private properties, curfews and checkpoints in cities, towns, villages and rural areas in the Lower Shabelle. these warlords and thier un mercy  militia do not admit those injustices and heinous crimes against innocent citizens of Lower Shabelle.

In addition, it purposefully denies or covers their premeditated killing in the Lower Shabelle  makes the excuse that the people of Somalia suffered all equally. The citizens of Lower Shabelle are the victims of injustice and the current Somali government is silent on the basic human rights in Lower Shabelle. Since the collapse of military dictator Siad Barre’s government in 1991.The roadblocks were controlled by clun and some millitry officials  militia who were unscrupulous men have been the hallmark of Somalia, especially Lower Shabelle region in Southern Somalia. There are more than 43 roadblocks in Lower Shabelle regions and the majority those roadblocks are controlled and belong to a militia loyal to former war lord and some somali millitry who dont get any salary from the government.

The majority of roadblocks is not far from each other and also continues threat which has not stopped. This criminal act has not ended over pass months and the government has done nothing to stop it.

The roadblock has created a fear among the citizens who travel this road frequently.  The roadblocks are mostly in this main road in the lower Shebelle which connects almost 50 other small roads in the region and the neighboring cities. However,  the civilian administration in the lower Shebelle are not capable of doing anything about this situation, because the majority of what is so-called Somali military are the former militia from  tribe who has committed a crime against humanity in the lower Shebelle for the past 22 years.  these militia are still committing a horrific trail of new atrocities every day in lower Shebelle region.

. Furthermore, each single roadblock has a crew of 30 to 50 militia soldiers who are well equipped with weapons and military uniforms.

Finally, we the people of lower Shebelle a peace loving community we asking for Somali government to stop this  militia for their roadblocks in lower Shebelle.

Written By:

Mr.Abdirahman Sheikh mohamed : Ex Mayor of Qoryooley District in Lower Shebelle Somalia.