An Idea Whose Time Has Come?


noorn-279x300Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves”. (Quran: verse 13: 11).

Once a great poet and writer said: “No Army Can Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come”. The idea of federalism has been conceived by the people of South West State of Somalia decades ago (in the 1940s) even before Somalia became an independent state. Ever since then, every attempt to turn this grand dream into  a reality has been sabotaged in different ways by different forces. The Mbaghati conference of 2002-2004 adopted Federalism in its Transitional Federal Charter despite fierce oppositions from many quarters. It took the subsequent Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of President Abdullahi Yussuf and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed close to eight years to establish the current provisional federal constitution of Somalia and the formation of the Somali Federal Government.

For the first time, decades later, federalism has been constitutionally entrenched in the Somali political system and the dream of the people of SWSS, who have suffered many years of political marginalization, land expropriation, famine and war, was now more than ever achievable. With this in mind, the people of SWSS have established an all-inclusive federal state consisting of six regions after more than one year of painstaking deliberations, consultations, reconciliation and consensus building among all the major stakeholders of the  regions. This Baidoa process was unique in the sense that it was hundred percent locally initiated, locally driven and locally sponsored. There was totally no outside support whatsoever.

Paradoxically, no sooner had the process culminated into the democratic election of a president and his deputy than the government, UN, and IGAD came out ferociously in opposition of the SWSS.  This was utterly preposterous and completely nonsensical considering that the SWSS was established within the framework of the constitution. According to article 49(6) “two or more regions may merge to establish a federal member state”. Furthermore, article 49 of the constitution which deals with federalism does not give the federal government any power to create federal states. It is up to the people to determine their own political destiny.

As if the fierce rhetoric from Mogadishu was not enough, the Mogadishu government sent spoilers led by puppet Sharif Hassan hoping to divide the people and force down their throat a three state region. This was a gross miscalculation and underestimation of the will of the people because the extraordinary event that followed in reaction to the coming of Sharif Hassan, ironically, sealed the fate of SWSS in many ways. The people of Baidoa have sent a message to the world and to whoever was doubting their resolve to defend what is rightfully theirs. Consequently, there has already been a shift in mindset and perception of the government. For instance a senior government minister described the self-appointment of Sharif Hassan’s brother as a ‘joke’ and he admitted that eventually the will of the majority will prevail. Also, at the time of writing this piece, president Hassan Sheikh is in Baidoa. Although I doubt the intention of the government, this development is significant because the government now realizes that they can no longer ignore the power of the people whether they agree or disagree.

I am very aware that the SWSS will be challenged by those whose agenda is the perpetuation of selfish clan domination and land expropriation. I am aware that our resolve, resilience and unity will be tested. I am aware that the journey ahead is long with many obstacles on the way. Nevertheless, I am very optimistic and confidence that the idea of SWSS is unstoppable.

I have confidence in the rich political experience, maturity, restraint and sincerity of the top leadership. I have confidence in the wisdom of the council of elders (Golaha Guurtida) led by Ugaas Hassan Shure. I have confidence in the courage and the grass root mobilization skills of the council of ministers led by Mr. Abdifatah Ibrahim Geessay. I have confidence in the intellectual, political and material support of the SWSS diaspora community (Jaaliyadaha Dibada). Most importantly, I have confidence in the courageous and patriotic spirit of the  men, women and children of Baidoa who have demonstrated that they are ready to put their life on the line in the defense of their dignity and freedom. When you take all these into consideration you see the determination of a people who are willing to change their condition and Allah will help them in this quest. Let us all take part in this noble cause of liberation.

By: Noor Mohamed Nunow


  1. Thanks for creating the awareness and i believe we are all ready to protect our freedom .

  2. thank u for your geniune artcal, xaqi ayaa soo xaadiray. dadka swss weykadaaleen gumaysi qofkii ama maamulkii isku daya inuu hor istaago ha ogaado waxaan leenahay rag markii dhaacmaan aan oynin sida maxaa tirida.

  3. Xaqa hadii Afaka laga abto Feerta ayuu ka Dilaca , Xaqi ayaa so Xaadiray waa run. Allahayow no gargar Aminnnnnnnnnn.

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