
Faalo..Kol hadii aan diidno sareynta sharciga!

Guud ahaan shucuubta caalamka maanta ayaa waxay nolol maalmeedkooda iyo waliba tan mustaqbalkooda siyaasadeed sal uga dhigtaan shuruuc ay ku heshiiyaan oo ugu danbayna...

Dilaa aan damiir la hayn iyo duul dill ku xukuman

Dhiiga dadka Soomaaliyeed waa u bannaan yahay cid kasta oo waa dhiig ay daadin karaan dhamaan kuwa isku haysta Soomaaliya, kan dilaya iyo kan...

In honor of Mujahid Hassan Adan Keerow

For four long days, the people of SWSS in Baidoa took to the streets in their thousands protesting against the evil forces led by...

Failed leadership: Hassan Sheikh and Co.

As wide spread corruption, bad leadership, mismanagement of resources, and nepotism amongst other societal ills have undermined and impeded any development, further causing a...

The Southwest Somali Federal State An exemplar of Somali Democratic Development

Started in late 2012, the Baidoa peace and reconciliation conference was spearheaded by the genuine traditional elders who have contributed and established the Somali...


