News In English

Somalia to take over control of airspace by year end

Somalia is preparing to take over the control of its airspace from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the first time in two...

Mayor of Toronto smoking crack? Media raise cash to buy Somali Video

Gawker and the Toronto Star have raised $74,000 for alleged footage of a bleary-eyed Rob Ford saying he's ‘f---ing right wing' and that the...

Somalia fund aims to ‘rebuild a nation’

UK private equity and commodity trading  boutique is seeking to raise a $1bn fund to invest in Somalia and neighbouring states such as Kenya...

Somaliland marks 22 years of independence

Region that broke away from Somalia in 1991 is still waiting for international recognition. People in Somaliland are marking 22 years of self-declared independence from...

Seychelles cells: The Somali pirates 'jailed in paradise'

There are more than 1,000 convicted Somali pirates in prisons around the world. Some of them end up in a UN-funded jail on the...


