News In English

Latest Developments Of The New EC. And SWS Election.

Yesterday they’ve elected chair, deputy chair and secretariat.Their first session was today, shortly after the meeting commenced the SW acting speaker and his deputy...

Aqiso: Warqad Qoraal ah oo Kasoo Baxday Musharixiinta Isbedel Doonka

Kulan ay isugu yimaadeen musharixiinta isbedel doonka oo maalintii shaley ka dhacay magalada baydhabo ayaa waxaa ay kaga hadleen qaabka isdaba marinta ee lagu...

Open Letter To Somali Government, Regarding Direct Meddling in the Southwest State Electoral Process

A Joint Statement by Southwest Scholars, and Civil Society Leaders Regarding Direct Meddling in the Southwest State Electoral Process.

By: Abdulkadir Abow:- South West Election: Roobow Vs The Gatekeepers

What is happening in South West State of Somalia (SWS) – a country where election meddling or fraud is not an aberration – is...

Golaha Isbedel Doonka oo Ka Hadley Musuqmaasuqa Baahsan ee Ka Jira Doorashada Koonfur Galbeed

Golaha isbedel doonka koonfur galbeed ayaa qoraal dheer oo ku qoran afka ingiriiska ka soo saaray musuqmaasuqa baahsan ee ka jira doorashada xilka madaxwene...


