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Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea

United Nations S/2013/413 Security Council Distr.: General 12 July 2013 Original: English 13-36185 (E) 150713 *1336185* Letter dated 12 July 2013 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions...

Passings: Abshir Hassan was a passionate and caring teacher and mentor

York University MEd student Abshir Hassan was a passionate teacher who wanted to make a difference in his community and in the lives of...

Paying the Price for Taking Baidoa for Granted

Speaking on the third anniversary of the launch of the Somali National Television, Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed praised the staff and executives at...

Egypt demands Ethiopia halt Nile dam, upping stakes

Egypt will demand Ethiopia stop building a dam on one of the main tributaries of the Nile, a senior government aide said on Wednesday,...

Alleged Rob Ford drug video 'gone': Gawker

TORONTO - The U.S. website that raised $200,000 in a bid to buy an alleged video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford appearing to smoke crack...


Maleeshiyaad dad xoola dhaqato ku weerarey deegaano hoostaga magalada dhuusamareeb

Wararka ka imaanaya Gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegaya in Maleeshiyo...

Golaha wasiirada oo maanta ansixiyey heshiis amni oo ay dowladala gashey dowlada ciraaq

Golaha wasiirada xukuumadda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya oo maanta...

Lamaane is qaba oo lagu xukumey laba sano oo xajig ah

Maxkamadda Degmada Waaberi ee Gobolka Banaadir ayaa 2 sanno...

Madaxweynaha maamulka somaliland oo ka hadley musaafurinta shacabka reer qaza

Madaxweynaha Maamulka Somaliland, Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cirro, ayaa soo...

