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Uganda holds Somalia hostage in high-stakes diplomacy

Threat to withdraw troops from fragile neighbour is political posturing that suggests some truth to UN accusations. It's fair to say that the Ugandan government...

Negative effects of qat threaten next generation of Somalis

By Hassan Muse Qat use has been increasing among Somali youth in recent years, with over half of those 20 years and younger using the...

Somali journalist dies after shooting

Mogadishu - A Somali reporter shot by unknown gunmen last week has died from his wounds, colleagues said Monday, taking the toll of journalists...

Children's life in the streets of Mogadishu

Ranked among the world’s failed states, Somalia has been marred by internal fighting since 1991 following the collapse of its central administration. As a result...

Minn. Trial Opens Window on Somalia Terror Group

One recruiter was a smooth talker who would introduce young Somali men to others planning to leave Minnesota to wage jihad back home. Another...


Maleeshiyaad dad xoola dhaqato ku weerarey deegaano hoostaga magalada dhuusamareeb

Wararka ka imaanaya Gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegaya in Maleeshiyo...

Golaha wasiirada oo maanta ansixiyey heshiis amni oo ay dowladala gashey dowlada ciraaq

Golaha wasiirada xukuumadda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya oo maanta...

Lamaane is qaba oo lagu xukumey laba sano oo xajig ah

Maxkamadda Degmada Waaberi ee Gobolka Banaadir ayaa 2 sanno...

Madaxweynaha maamulka somaliland oo ka hadley musaafurinta shacabka reer qaza

Madaxweynaha Maamulka Somaliland, Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cirro, ayaa soo...

